
In the Courts

Criminal law has as its primordial focus the defense of constitutional guarantees of all citizens, focusing on the defense of human dignity, defeating arbitrariness and, mainly, any miscarriage of justice. The criminal conviction of innocent people is the biggest drama of Human Justice. .

And this fight has been more intense than ever, because Criminal Law, in Brazil, has significantly expanded in the few last years, permeating all human conflicts. Several matters which, in the past, were limited to civil and administrative fields, now also constitute crimes.

That is why it is affirmed that, currently, anyone, no matter how correct or exonerated they are, some day may need a criminal lawyer, either to defend themselves, or to accuse who has victimized them.

Our office has followed, since 1935, these changes, acting, currently, in several types of niche covered by Criminal Law, either as defenders, or as assistants of the Prosecution Office, such as:

Corporate/Business performance:

- tax criminal law;

- environment and housing;

- capital market;

- freedom of financial transactions;

- national financial system;

- stock market;

- bankruptcies;

- importation / exportation;

- unfair competition and intellectual property;

- environment;

- public bids;

- misconduct of collaborators;

- consumer; etc.

Natural Persons:

- attacks to life and physical integrity;

- conjugal relationships ("Maria da Penha Law");

- crimes in traffic;

- attacks to honor and freedom of expression;

- offenses against heritage, without violence;

- crimes against individual freedom;

- crimes involving the protection of people in fragile situations, such as underage, ill and elder people;

- situations involving drugs, in case of users;

- crimes involving the Internet.




Rua Bento de Andrade, 549 | Jardim Paulista | São Paulo | SP | Brasil | Cep 04503-011 | Tel.: 55 11 3887-6251